Tuesday, April 29, 2008

April 26, 2008 - WUMC Midtown Classic 5K

Location: Columbus, GA
Distance: 5K
Bib No: 633
Time: 24:12
Overall: 53 / 260
Age Group: 5 / 11

Dead legs. I swam and ran on Friday while training for the Callaway Duathlon and Y-Tri Triathlon. I was hoping for something around 22. I accidentally deleted my splits but I belive they were 7:29,8:08,8:20. The hill on the 3rd mile was tough. Still waiting on official times. This is a great race with music, lots of food, and over 250 runners.


Monday, April 14, 2008

April 13, 2008 - Powerman Alabama

Location: Irondale, AL
Distance: Duathlon 8K-53K-8K
Bib No: 190
Time: 3:32:50
Overall: 188/213
Age Group: 28/29
Gender: 144/169

Team-Magic as usual put on a great race! The weahter was chili but nothing like last year. Only complaint - MORE Porta-potties, lines were crazy.

This race is the hardest thing I have done in my life. My goals, in order, were to #1 Finish, #2 Age Group Top 25, #3 3:25. The only one I accomplished was the first and I am proud of that. These folks with the sub 2:30 times are insane.

My times are, of course, are a result of my training and I have plenty of excuses to offer. I trained to finish, not to compete. If I do this race again, it will be to compete or I will not do it again. My training was affected by the week in Phoenix and the 2 weeks in Tokyo prior to the race. I was only able to complete two brick training sessions.

Run1: I was passed by everyone in my age group at the start. I did eventually re-pass a couple of runners. 8 minute miles will not cut it in this race. The first run was 40:43, goal was 40:00.

T1: I knew after the run that I wasn't competive so I took my time. No issues. Time was 2:08, goal was 1:30.

Bike: I counted no more than 10 regular road bikes in this race. If I want to compete with those folks I have to invest in a tri bike. The hills, long and sustained, sucked. I averaged between 4-10 MPH up the hills. Going down was fun, I flew! Fastest ever speed for me 40.9 MPH. Average speed was 16.1 MPH. Goal was 1:50 actual time was 2:01:34.

T2: Should have changed jersey or emptied my pockets, had to take it off during the run. Time was 1:31, goal was 1:30.

Run2: I was spent. This is first time I have had to walk during a race since my second 5K in Panama City in 2006, and I did it twice. Once in the beginning up the first hill, then again at mile 2 when I basically locked up from a cramp in my left hamstring. I was close to asking for help and for a minute feard that I would not be able to finish. Looking back, I shouldn't have stopped to stretch it. I should have run through it which is what I ended up doing anyway. I did finish the race running hard. Time was 46:56, goal was 42:00.

Nutrition: This is the first race that I have put any kind of thought into regarding nutriton/hydration. I consumed about 1500 calories during the race. Nutrition consisted of the following:
Prerace: 1 Chocalate chip Cliff Bar, 1 Gu, 20oz Accelerade, 1 cup of coffee.
Run1: 2 cups powerade
T1: 10oz Accelerade
Bike: 30oz Water, 20oz Accelerade, 1 Package Cliff Shot Blocks, 2 Gu
T2: 10oz Accelerade
Run2: 4 Cups Poweraide, 300mg Salt

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